This lineup includes Patamon and is centered on the partner Digimon of [T. K. Takaishi].
This deck has excellent control ability to weaken the opponent’s DP (Digimon Power).
It leads to evolution to the ultimate body while restoring security (shields)! There are many excellent defense cards!!
- Release date
- January, 2021!
- Card types
- 16 types
- Rarity
- Common: 7 types, Uncommon: 5 types, Rare: 3 types, Super Rare: 1 type
- Contents
- Starter Deck (1 set of 54 cards), 2 memory gauges and 1 Booster Pack (Release Special Booster Ver.1.0)
- * This product is a pre-built deck and the contents of the deck are the same for all boxes.
- * This product contains multiple identical cards because of the characteristics of the product.
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