Magic the Gathering Kaldheim – English Set Booster Box


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Releases Friday February 5th, 2021.

What’s New in Kaldheim Set Boosters

With Zendikar Rising we released a new type of booster—Set Boosters. They are designed for Magic fans who like opening packs just to see what they get. Set Boosters return in Kaldheim with a few twists: a chance of getting special thematic cards not found in Kaldheim Draft Boosters, and some changes to The List.

Here’s what’s new in Kaldheim Set Boosters.

Theme Booster Cards

Twenty special thematic cards have been created for Kaldheim Theme Boosters. Showcasing Valkyries and other creatures recognizable from Norse legends, these cards capture the spirit of the set and its Viking Age inspiration.

In Kaldheim, fans will have a chance of getting some of these unique cards in Set Boosters as well!

Theme Booster Uncommons

Each Set Booster already has a set of 6 common and uncommon cards that revolve around a particular theme. When they appear, the Theme Booster uncommons will serve to highlight and bring together those themes even further.

Theme Booster Rares

Five of the rare cards created for Theme Boosters can also be found in Set Boosters as a possible drop in for the “Head Turner” slot. Kaldheim will be the first Set Booster with a possible rare in this slot.

Changes to The List

Every Kaldheim Set Booster has a 25% chance of containing a card from The List—a curated list of 300 cards that show off beloved mechanics, fun worlds, and flat-out wild cards from Magic‘s past.

The List will change subtly from set to set, with some cards being swapped out for others that better fit a set’s themes.

The cards joining The List for Kaldheim will be right at home in a land of mystic runes and frigid battlefields.

There’s plenty more to share about Set Boosters once card previews get started.

30 Set Booster Packs Per Box

12 Cards Per Set Booster Pack







Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 5 × 5 in


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