Big thanks to #adigranov for signing our Legacy Edition variants!

It’s been a long time coming, but the site is now live! Check back with us frequently to see what new products we have added to our online store and what new products we are getting in at our storefront. Thank you all for your patience and your continued support!
We are proud to announce the next blockbuster hit in our line of Legacy Edition Variants following the success of our Secret Wars #1 Legacy Edition Variants! Adi Granov will customize our cover with original all new artwork! Reserve your copy today! Pre-sale at $14.99 color $19.99 sketch.
[bs_button size=”md” type=”info” value=”Buy Color Variant” href=”https://legacycomics.com/shop/amazing-spider-man-renew-your-vows-legacy-edition-variant/”] [bs_button size=”md” type=”info” value=”Buy Sketch Variant” href=”https://legacycomics.com/shop/amazing-spider-man-renew-your-vows-1-legacy-edition-sketch-variant/”]
We’ve got warm temps and sunny skies as a queue formed for Free Comic Book Day outside our store. Come on in, and pick up to 20 free comics (per person).
We look forward to serving you.
123 W. Wilson Ave.,
Glendale, CA 91203.
(818) 247-8803